Monthly Archives: September 2015

disable suse linux firewall

Method 1:

Launch the Yast non-gui firewall module:
yast firewall

To change to startup setting to “Manually”:
Alt + m

Optionally, to stop the service right now if running:
Alt + t

To complete the change:
Alt + n

To accept and finish:
Alt + a

Method 2:

To disable the service at next startup:
chkconfig SuSEfirewall2_setup off

Optionally, to stop the service right now if running:
rcSuSEfirewall2 stop

wget auto reconnection command

wget -c -t 0 --timeout=60 --waitretry=60 URL_of_file

Uninstall Netcool Omnibus properly

IBM Netcool Omnibus Uninstall

1. Remove acsi folder
2. Remove user ( remove group if needed)
3. Remove Installation Folder.

Reinstall Omnibus

Netcool prechecker commands

susevm:/opt/downloads/precheck # ./ “NOS 07040000″ outputDir=”/tmp/ips” details -s
Setting Prerequisite Scanner output directory to user defined directory: /tmp/ips

IBM Prerequisite Scanner
Build : 20150429
OS name: Linux
User name: root

Machine Information
Machine name: susevm
Serial number: VMware-56 4d 79 66 fd d7 6f 1e-85 7e 3b b4 85 bb 2a 69
Scenario: Prerequisite Scan

NOS – Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Server Components [version 07040000]:
Overall result: PASS

Detailed results are also available in /tmp/ips/result.txt

/ “NOP 07040000″ outputDir=”/tmp/ips” details –s
/ “NOD 07040000″ outputDir=”/tmp/ips” details –s

Technote (FAQ)


How do I use the prerequisite scanner for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus?


IBM Prerequisite Scanner (PRS) for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus

IBM Prerequisite Scanner (PRS) is a stand-alone prerequisite checking tool that can be run at a customer site prior to installing a Tivoli product or other IBM product to check that the required hardware and software are present on the host or hosts. PRS is supported for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus V7.3.1, V7.4 and V8.1.0.

Customized configuration files for the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus server components and desktop component are integrated into PRS to check that hosts meet the following requirements for installing Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus:

  • Supported operating system
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Disk space
  • 3rd-party packages.

Restriction: PRS is NOT shipped with the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus installation packages. PRS is not supported for the Web GUI component.


./|bat "Product_Code [Product_Version][,Product_CodeN [Product_VerN]]..."  [PATH=product_root] [detail]


  • Product_Code is the installable feature against which you want to check the host. Possible values are as follows:
    • NOA: Netcool/OMNIbus Administration GUI Components (V8.1 only)
    • NOS: Netcool/OMNIbus Server Components
    • NOD: Netcool/OMNIbus Desktop Components
    • NOP (V7.4 only): Netcool/OMNIbus Probe Components
    • NPA: Netcool/OMNIbus Process Agent Components (V8.1 only)
    • NOC: All the installable features, that is, Netcool/OMNIbus Administration GUI Components, Netcool/OMNIbus Server Components, Netcool/OMNIbus Desktop Components, Netcool/OMNIbus Probe Components and Netcool/OMNIbus Process Agent Components.

Setting User & Group for Netcool

Protected: Setting User & Group in Netcool

Useful for PA.

Pre Installation Stage
### Login Under Root User ####
1.1. Add User netcool,
useradd -d /home/netcool -m -u 1000-g 1000 -s /bin/bash netcool

1.2. Change password for netcool
passwd netcool

1.3. Create new directory for installation folder to Tivoli/Netcool omnibus 7.4
mkdir -p /opt/netcool
chown -R netcool:ncoadmin /opt/netcool

after create and set the user and group, you have to make sure:
vi /etc/passwd


vi /etc/group


if netcool and ncoadmin line not like the note above, you have to add manually by type both of the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.

suse repository configuration

mount iso as below

mount -o loop /mnt/hgfs/SUSE/SLES11_SP1_X86_64.iso /opt/SLES11_SP1_X86_64-repo/

go to


vi  SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP1 11.1.1-1.152.repo

add the below lines


oracle start and stop in windows

net start OracleServiceORCL

net start OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener

net start OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent

net start OracleMTSRecoveryService

net start OracleDBConsoleorcl

net stop OracleDBConsoleorcl
net stop OracleMTSRecoveryService

net stop OracleOraDb11g_home1ClrAgent

net stop OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener

net stop OracleServiceORCL

Mailx command to send email using smtp host

echo “This is the message body and contains the message” | mailx -v -r “” -s “hello from INOSS” -S smtp=”″

Create Virtual IP in RedHat

ifconfig em1:1 netmask up

remove virtual ip

ifconfig em1:1 down

Default gateways add and del

/sbin/route del default gw
/sbin/route add default gw eth0:2

Create Virtual IP in SUSE linux

/sbin/ifconfig eth0:2

down the virutal ip

ifconfig eth0:2 down

Add the default route

/sbin/route add default gw eth0:2